How it works for Quest Hunters

Find Quests

Hunt down Quests

Click on the map to find Quests near you, once you find one begin the hunt.  Our app provides various tools to help track it down including a live map, clues and a compass.  Set off and head towards your target.

Search Quests

Scan the QR Code

Using your compass. clues and map track down the hidden QR Code.  Once you have found it use our scanner or your own QR scanner to read it.


Solve the Cypher and earn the prize

Once scanned a simple Cypher question will be presented to you.  Solve the puzzle and then you will be rewarded with CypherQuest (Cyphs).  You will also be installed as a Guardian to the Quest, this means that everytime someone scans the Quest you will earn rewards.

There's so much you can do with your Cyph, spend them at our affiliates, burn them for NFT's, use them to boost quests.  Vest them to earn yield.  The choice is yours.

How it works for Quest Creators

Create Quests

Create a Quest

Create a new Quest, give it a name and write a 'hint' section detailing how to find it.  This can be either a cryptic clue or something more straight forward.

Save your quest and we will generate a unique QR code.  Print the QR code, or download it and incorporate it into some creative art of your own.  You could 3D print it, include it into a poster, etch it onto a surface.  Use your imagination.


Deploy Quests

Deploy the Quest

Once you have a hard copy of the QR code, take it to your secret location and either click the 'Set location' button, or scan the code.  Once the location is set, you can then 'mint' the Quest, no further changes will be possible.


Follow your Quest

Sit back and enjoy watching hunters track down your Quest.  You will earn CypherQuest coin for every scan your Quest receives.  If you want to drive more hunters to your Quest you can boost it with your own coins.